Customer data

In the left area of the page Customer Data you can define the mandatory fields for creating new address. Furthermore, you can rename the names of the fields Customer number (2) and debtor number as well as arrange the requirements for printing the delivery date.

Mandatory fields when recording customer

Please consider that with the use of mandatory fields an address can only be saved when all mandatory fields have been filled in! Therefore, you should only select the fields as mandatory fields that are absolutely necessary for your internal operation.

Customer data

Option fields for the delivery date

Before printing a document, you can specify a delivery date as CW (calendar week) or Date. Using the two options The word option (from Latin: optio = free will) used in computing means a choice. In CARAT it is normally used with a list box. fields in the Customer data area, you can select how the delivery date will normally be printed in customer documents, regardless of whether you have entered a CW or a Date in the print parameters.

  • If the first option is selected, your entered delivery date will be printed as a CW or a Date. You can optionally pre-set a prefix for the description of the stored delivery date. The delivery time specification (CW or date) will then be displayed with the prefix when printing.
  • When you choose the second option, your entered delivery date (CW or date) is converted to an indication of delivery weeks.
When you activate the checkbox Delivery date is a mandatory field, you are required to enter a delivery date in order to print a commercial document.