Standard Material Groups

On the page Standard material groups By using a standard material group you have the possibility to combine several calculation groups together in a group. In CARAT there are three standard material groups (Wood, Accessories and Electronics) at your disposal. you have the possibility, per standard material group (Wood, Accessory, Appliances) to apply up to six material groups, so to be able to summarize the single calculation groups In a calculation group are arranged any quantity of items that have an item specific similarity. So typically all items, e.g. furniture parts, but also worktops, sinks, or electrical appliances, are consolidated into appropriate named calculation groups. more easily and to allocate to one position of the consultant key The Consultant key is a three digit string, with which you can assign a plan the necessary surcharge factors and conditions. Every calculation group is always assigned one of the three digits. Normally these are: 1st digit wood parts, 2nd digit accessories, 3rd digit electro.. Furthermore, you can use the additional Addition (in Latin: addere) is one of four basic operations in arithmetic. In primary school and in common language it is the expression used for the adding of two or more numbers. material groups to reach a, for your purposes, meaningful and clearly arranged grouping of the articles for commercial printouts.