Standard Texts

A Standard Text is a text module that is stored and can always be quickly accessed and used over and over again. The input possibilities can range from simple salutations with current customer information to legally relevant points. Using the Standard Texts function, you have the possibility to store any number of header and footer texts as well as additional Addition (in Latin: addere) is one of four basic operations in arithmetic. In primary school and in common language it is the expression used for the adding of two or more numbers. text modules, for the payment methods used, for your commercial documents.

The exact wording of a standard text is normally not saved in a plan, because a standard text usually contains only generally valid information. Only the reference to the standard text used is saved by the print layout set. If it is necessary however, that you for example often need a standard text with legally relevant contents, you can ensure that in this case the exact wording is also saved by using an additional option The word option (from Latin: optio = free will) used in computing means a choice. In CARAT it is normally used with a list box..

Please click Typically the LEFT mouse button is pressed once quickly, if not specified differently. Clicking will either mark an object, or when clicking on a button, the execution of the desired activity (e.g. OK, Cancel, Close). in the menu ribbon, on the index card Some dialogue windows are too voluminous, therefore the functions are separated into indexed groups. The subgroup names typically appear on the tab of the index card at the top of the dialogue and can be selected by clicking on the appropriate tab. Data on the option Standard texts to open the dialogue Dialogue, dialogue windows or dialogue fields are special windows in software applications. Dialogue windows are displayed by application programs in different situations to request input or confirmation from the user. for the creation and the administration of the standard texts.

In the Standard texts administration dialogue, the standard texts that are already created are displayed in an overview, with the text name, the creation date as well as the date of the last modification.

For the administration of the standard text you have symbol buttons In dialogue windows you always find one or more buttons that can be activated by clicking on them. Typical functions for buttons are e.g. OK, Cancel, Apply. Buttons are always activated by a single click with the left mouse button. available to create a new standard text, to edit an available standard text and to copy and delete a standard text. The archiving of the standard texts can be called up via the button Archiving, so that standard text can be exported or exported standard texts can be read in again,