The Data Maintenance
While working with CARAT innumerable information is added Addition (in Latin: addere) is one of four basic operations in arithmetic. In primary school and in common language it is the expression used for the adding of two or more numbers., changed or deleted to different files and databases of CARAT. When deleting entries are these entries only marked for deletion but not really removed from the database.
Beyond that are many of these databases highly demanded for during the day to day work, so that a database can obtain some minor bruises through small errors of the computer or the network. The function Maintenance is available to correct these minor bruises.
The maintenance can delete all entries marked as deleted form the database in one operation cycle, subsequently reorganise the database and in the process debug small errors in the database. The maintenance is also necessary to convert the available data in a new database structure after a program update An update designates a new version of a base software program, which fixes faults or contains small improvements.. Regularly applied, the maintenance can help proactively to avoid problems with databases.
You will get to the data maintenance via the index card Some dialogue windows are too voluminous, therefore the functions are separated into indexed groups. The subgroup names typically appear on the tab of the index card at the top of the dialogue and can be selected by clicking on the appropriate tab. System in the menu ribbon. Click Typically the LEFT mouse button is pressed once quickly, if not specified differently. Clicking will either mark an object, or when clicking on a button, the execution of the desired activity (e.g. OK, Cancel, Close). on the option The word option (from Latin: optio = free will) used in computing means a choice. In CARAT it is normally used with a list box. Data in the maintenance area to open the dialogue Dialogue, dialogue windows or dialogue fields are special windows in software applications. Dialogue windows are displayed by application programs in different situations to request input or confirmation from the user. with the setting options for the data maintenance.
A list with all databases that can be reorganised via the data maintenance will be displayed after you have selected the function data maintenance. In the left area are that the databases of the installed Catalogue data, in the right area the System data.
The Catalogue Data
We would recommend that you perform Performance, in the context of computing and software, is a term meaning the effectiveness at usage of resources and the quality of output from programs. the data maintenance for the catalogue data from time to time as a precautionary measure. In this case you can leave the list box If several options are provides for one function provides, are these often shown in a list. Please click on the little black triangle in the right margin to select the desired option. on the setting All catalogues. However, if there are still many inactive, in other words out-dated catalogues on your system, it makes more sense to use the option Only active catalogues, to avoid unnecessarily prolonging the time of the data maintenance. If you only want to reorganise the system data, or need the data maintenance for only a few catalogues, you can quickly deselect all catalogue data by using the button In dialogue windows you always find one or more buttons that can be activated by clicking on them. Typical functions for buttons are e.g. OK, Cancel, Apply. Buttons are always activated by a single click with the left mouse button. Deselect all. If required, you can subsequently mark only those catalogue data that should be reorganised via the data maintenance.
The System Data
When you open the data maintenance all system data are marked automatically. You can restrict the selection further if required. The buttons Select all and Deselect all are available for quick marking or de-marking.
Please click on the button Start after you have marked all catalogue data and/or system data that should be reorganised via the data maintenance. The course of the data maintenance can be followed via the lower message window Programs and files are shown in so called windows in the operating system of the same name. In CARAT each view (e.g. floor plan, article input, front view, perspective etc.) opens its own window. Multiple windows can be shown simultaneously for processing. If changes are made in one of these windows, this has an automatic effect on all other windows. as well as via the progress bar. If a database has been reorganised successfully, this will be shown additionally Addition (in Latin: addere) is one of four basic operations in arithmetic. In primary school and in common language it is the expression used for the adding of two or more numbers. by means of a green checkmark in the message window.