The Data Maintenance

While working with CARAT innumerable information is added Addition (in Latin: addere) is one of four basic operations in arithmetic. In primary school and in common language it is the expression used for the adding of two or more numbers., changed or deleted to different files and databases of CARAT. When deleting entries are these entries only marked for deletion but not really removed from the database.

Beyond that are many of these databases highly demanded for during the day to day work, so that a database can obtain some minor bruises through small errors of the computer or the network. The function Maintenance is available to correct these minor bruises.

The maintenance can delete all entries marked as deleted form the database in one operation cycle, subsequently reorganise the database and in the process debug small errors in the database. The maintenance is also necessary to convert the available data in a new database structure after a program update An update designates a new version of a base software program, which fixes faults or contains small improvements.. Regularly applied, the maintenance can help proactively to avoid problems with databases.