Entering a Surcharge

Entering a surcharge in the conditions scheme is very simple, provided that you know the price base of the catalogue to be calculated. There are normally only a few things to consider. Surely most remarkably is that up to six surcharges  (1 to 6 and A to F) can be used for each condition scheme. When entering the surcharge factors, important is to set the checkbox A checkbox is a standard element in a graphic user interface. A checkbox has, in most cases, two states (set or not set). These usually correspond to a yes/no selection. indicating whether the input or displayed factors are including or excluding VAT. And finally, the set base naturally also has an effect on the factor.

A surcharge is enough to obtain a sales price for an article. We would recommend to start first with Surcharge 1 of Condition scheme 1 of the Standard condition page On a conditions page is the calculation data for all calculation groups and condition schemes entered. The condition page "standard" should always be used for the base calculation. You can however, create more condition pages in order to implement special requirements.. This surcharge will be automatically preset by CARAT, based on the default setting of the Consultant key The Consultant key is a three digit string, with which you can assign a plan the necessary surcharge factors and conditions. Every calculation group is always assigned one of the three digits. Normally these are: 1st digit wood parts, 2nd digit accessories, 3rd digit electro., via which the surcharge factor to be used is selected.

As soon as you want to enter a surcharge factor, you should make sure to set the necessary initial base via the column Base. Additionally Addition (in Latin: addere) is one of four basic operations in arithmetic. In primary school and in common language it is the expression used for the adding of two or more numbers. you can activate/deactivate the checkbox for the VAT, depending on the fact if your surcharge already includes the VAT or not. Please note, that by both setting possibilities for the price base and the consideration of the value added Addition (in Latin: addere) is one of four basic operations in arithmetic. In primary school and in common language it is the expression used for the adding of two or more numbers. tax, the condition scheme can be filled out more easily.