Surcharge per Condition Calculator

With the Condition calculator of CARAT you can not only calculate factors for several surcharges at the same time, but also enter the desired gross profit in percent directly instead of a factor. The Conditions Calculator then automatically determines the necessary factor, based on the gross profit and the set conditions.

If you would like to use the conditions calculator to calculate your surcharge on the basis of a gross profit percentage, it is important that you first correctly setup your condition scheme. Since in most catalogue data a gross-PP The PP (purchase price) in CARAT, refers to the price less conditions but before designated cash discounts and bonus. is entered, the factor, calculated from the desired gross profit in percent, will usually refer to the base PP. In such cases, it is useful to set the calculation base in the condition scheme on PP. If you want to compare the by the conditions calculator computed values with your own values, it makes also sense to activate/deactivate the display of the value added Addition (in Latin: addere) is one of four basic operations in arithmetic. In primary school and in common language it is the expression used for the adding of two or more numbers. tax.

Please remember that the field gross profit percentage takes into account an existing cash discount and bonus (net-net). If you want to calculate a surcharge using the Gross profit percentage column, that refers only to the base purchase price, no values should be entered in the fields for cash discount or bonus.

After you have calculated the necessary surcharge factors, you can click on the button Apply to transfer the settings to the condition scheme. In the process all values are transferred, including the values for condition, cash discount and bonus.