The core range printing

For you to fulfil the design desires of your customers in the best possible way, your have via your suppliers access to a very large variety of articles. In order to be able to quickly and specifically prepare a quotation, you have beyond that, the availability from many suppliers, of a core range with special price advantages, or you have prepared a list of articles as your own favourites.

With the module Module 2K - Print Core Range CARAT offers you the ability to print out a manufacturers comprehensive list of those articles marked as core range or favourite articles in the article master data Head data in CARAT is the generic term for all details that are needed for the design and ordering of a kitchen. This is for example, the selected program or variations in carcase versions, or worktop edge., appealingly designed for use in sales. As an example, we have created a core range list as a PDF The Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) was developed and perfected in the 80's by Adobe Systems. Adobe PDF files contain data from any application, that can be displayed on every computer, and are suitable thereby to be exchanged with users throughout the world.. To view the example, please click Typically the LEFT mouse button is pressed once quickly, if not specified differently. Clicking will either mark an object, or when clicking on a button, the execution of the desired activity (e.g. OK, Cancel, Close). here...

The list consists of a cover page, which if desired can be custom created to your wishes, a type listing including an image (if available), a short article description, a catalogue page, the selling price with recommended retail price (RRP) if desired, as well as a discount statement. This functionality gives you a simple and effective tool to purposefully create your own sales documents.