The Camera Position

In the perspective window Programs and files are shown in so called windows in the operating system of the same name. In CARAT each view (e.g. floor plan, article input, front view, perspective etc.) opens its own window. Multiple windows can be shown simultaneously for processing. If changes are made in one of these windows, this has an automatic effect on all other windows. you can always only see the view of the last set perspective. Using the additional Addition (in Latin: addere) is one of four basic operations in arithmetic. In primary school and in common language it is the expression used for the adding of two or more numbers. available Module 3C you have the possibility to store up to 10 camera positions for each plan, for later use. As soon as you have saved one or more camera positions, you can use these to retrieve one of the saved camera positions quickly. The saved camera position can however also be used to print the resulting perspectives via the batch print Batch print in CARAT is the name for a special type of printing. By means of a batch print you can print several different documents one after another (sequentially) in one step. or to create a PDF The Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) was developed and perfected in the 80's by Adobe Systems. Adobe PDF files contain data from any application, that can be displayed on every computer, and are suitable thereby to be exchanged with users throughout the world. from them.