The Drawing Mode

For complex designs, that contain many length dependable articles like worktops, cornices, light pelmets or plinth panels besides many corpus articles in the plan, the presentation of the floor plan can become quickly very cluttered, because of the many lines used. When many lines lie on top of each other in individual areas of the floor plan, it is most of the time very useful to shortly blend out the lines and objects you do not need.

With the drawing mode function, you are offered exactly this functionality. By using the setting options The word option (from Latin: optio = free will) used in computing means a choice. In CARAT it is normally used with a list box. of the drawing mode, you can blend out the corpus articles or length dependable articles of an generation layer in the floorplan completely. Thus, you will get a significantly clearer overview of the floor plan and a better control of the articles to be processed.

  • The Article floor plan view dialogue will then open. In this dialogue, you have are several options available for blending out articles and generation layers.