Module niche

Some few suppliers offer you module concepts, so that you can custom assemble the cabinet segmentation to your own individual wishes, in case the already available standard types are not sufficient. By means of a module concept you can equip an empty cabinet with individual front elements and thus vary the front segmentation almost at will.

The possibilities to change the front segmentation are even enhanced with more functions by the Module niche function. The Module niche function makes a very flexible way of planning module elements possible, and is furthermore very easy to operate. The Module niche function can be retrieved via the Edit front segmentation dialogue Dialogue, dialogue windows or dialogue fields are special windows in software applications. Dialogue windows are displayed by application programs in different situations to request input or confirmation from the user., if the article is also a suitable module element.

After the dialogue for editing the module niche is opened, you can recognise the four main area's for the creation of the front segmentation.



List of module articles

In this area are all front elements listed, that you can use with the selected cabinet. A relevant description will be displayed beneath the list as soon as you mark an article in this list. In the middle column of the list are also the niche heights of the individual front elements displayed in mm, for a better differentiation.


In this area are several buttons, which you can use to plan in, move, edit or also delete the front elements.

Planned articles

In this area are all planned front elements listed, according the sequence in which they are arranged in the cabinet. If you mark an article in this list, a relevant description will be displayed underneath the listing, as check.


You can check the current segmentation of the front elements graphically via the preview. This is especially very useful for door handing's. Underneath the preview you will always find the description of the module cabinet in use.