Electronic Purchase Order e.COM
Already since a few years, the industry, the trade and also the software Software denotes all nonphysical functional components of a computer, which contains at least one microprocessor. This primarily includes computer programs, as well as data used with computer programs. companies deal with the issue of electronic ordering. From the beginning, CARAT has been a pioneer in this field and has largely promoted the development of e.COM, the industry standard for electronic order processing. Nowadays's every CARAT-user can process his purchase orders comfortably with e.COM and can have the order confirmation automatically checked.
Overview of your Advantages with e.COM
- No complicated installation because e.COM is already integrated in CARAT.
- Quickly ready for use, as only a few settings in CARAT are necessary
- Easy operation, because e.COM does many tasks In the Microsoft Windows operating system a task is a process (e.g. a program), that is executed at the lowest system level (kernel). A task can be used to start supporting programs, in the background, without further input from the user. for you.
- No additional Addition (in Latin: addere) is one of four basic operations in arithmetic. In primary school and in common language it is the expression used for the adding of two or more numbers. costs, because e.COM is included in CARAT.
- Less inquiries from the industry, thanks to more complete order data.
- Less recording errors, because the data are taken over electronically.
- Cost savings in paper, printing and postage, because of paperless ordering.
How does electronic ordering via e.COM work?
With e.COM you directly communicate with your kitchen manufacturer via the internet. Besides CARAT you only need an internet connection as well as an e-mail E-mail (electronic mail) is a letter like message transmitted electronically over a computer network. program (Outlook, Live Mail or alike).
- Order per e.COM by the specialty retailer
- First all necessary graphics, like floor plan, front view and perspectives are made available for e.COM in CARAT. An e-mail is automatically generated by e.COM when the purchase order is released via CARAT, the already made available graphics and the still necessary commercial order are being attached to this e-mail. This e-mail can be sent to the kitchen supplier. The order is being carried out in EANCOM EANCOM (European Article Number Communication) has been developed by the international EAN organisation in Brussels and is based on a numbering system for articles and business partners.-Standard ORDERS ORDERS (Purchase Order) deals with the specification of details of goods and services ordered, according to the given conditions arranged between the supplier and dealer..
- Automatic takeover in the order processing system of the kitchen manufacturers
- The order is checked for plausibility as soon as the kitchen manufacturer receives the e-mail. If all necessary data for processing the order are included by the retailer, for example all necessary master data Head data in CARAT is the generic term for all details that are needed for the design and ordering of a kitchen. This is for example, the selected program or variations in carcase versions, or worktop edge., the e.COM-order will be passed on internally.
- Receive a confirmation of receipt from the kitchen manufacturer
- A short confirmation of receipt can be send by e-mail as soon as the order has been passed on for further processing, meaning has been transferred for takeover in the order processing system. You will usually receive this confirmation on the same day. If the kitchen manufacturer already has adjusted his order confirmation system optimally to e.COM it is also possible that you will receive the order conformation instead of the confirmation of receipt on the same day. The confirmation of receipt is being carried out in EANCOM-Standard OSTRPT OSTRPT has to do with the order status report. This option is usually used to confirm the receipt of a purchase order by the supplier..
- Receive the order confirmation from the kitchen manufacturer
- The kitchen manufacturer can, based on the e.COM-file that you have send him, take over your order fully automated in his order processing system. At its best, you can already receive an order confirmation per e-mail after a short while. The order confirmation of you kitchen manufacturer contains besides a special file that CARAT uses for balancing your order, also an order confirmation in PDF The Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) was developed and perfected in the 80's by Adobe Systems. Adobe PDF files contain data from any application, that can be displayed on every computer, and are suitable thereby to be exchanged with users throughout the world.-form, which you can print when desired. The order confirmation is being carried out in EANCOM-Standard ORDRSP ORDRSP (Purchase Order Response) has to do with the response to an order, that is sent from the supplier to the dealer, to confirm either an order or change order..
- Automatic check of the order confirmation in CARAT
- Via CARAT you have the possibility to check your inbox on relevant order confirmations, which have been sent by your kitchen manufacturer per e.COM. These e-mails can be recognized by means of a predefined reference based on EANCOM-Standards ORDRSP. The order confirmations are in CARAT automatically assigned to the corresponding commission. The balancing of the order conformation with the order occurs then within the respective commission.
EANCOM is a registered trade mark of EAN The EAN stands for International Article Number (formerly European Article Number) and is a product identification number for commercial articles. The EAN is a number, made up of 13 or 8 numbers, that is assigned by central administration at the manufacturers request. International.