Electronic Purchase Order e.COM

Already since a few years, the industry, the trade and also the software Software denotes all nonphysical functional components of a computer, which contains at least one microprocessor. This primarily includes computer programs, as well as data used with computer programs. companies deal with the issue of electronic ordering. From the beginning, CARAT has been a pioneer in this field and has largely promoted the development of e.COM, the industry standard for electronic order processing. Nowadays's every CARAT-user can process his purchase orders comfortably with e.COM and can have the order confirmation automatically checked.

Overview of your Advantages with e.COM

How does electronic ordering via e.COM work?

With e.COM you directly communicate with your kitchen manufacturer via the internet. Besides CARAT you only need an internet connection as well as an e-mail E-mail (electronic mail) is a letter like message transmitted electronically over a computer network. program (Outlook, Live Mail or alike).