Providing of the Data

The providing data dialogue Dialogue, dialogue windows or dialogue fields are special windows in software applications. Dialogue windows are displayed by application programs in different situations to request input or confirmation from the user. of the subsidiary administration is available to provide for data. By using this dialogue you can provide for data packets from the system options The word option (from Latin: optio = free will) used in computing means a choice. In CARAT it is normally used with a list box., the master data Head data in CARAT is the generic term for all details that are needed for the design and ordering of a kitchen. This is for example, the selected program or variations in carcase versions, or worktop edge., the catalogue and program update An update designates a new version of a base software program, which fixes faults or contains small improvements. areas and the example plans area (only visible with a licence for module 2M) for sending to one or more addressees (subsidiaries) or also for complete addressee groups.

Opening the providing data dialogue of the subsidiary administration

Click Typically the LEFT mouse button is pressed once quickly, if not specified differently. Clicking will either mark an object, or when clicking on a button, the execution of the desired activity (e.g. OK, Cancel, Close). on the symbol for the subsidiary administration on the Data index card Some dialogue windows are too voluminous, therefore the functions are separated into indexed groups. The subgroup names typically appear on the tab of the index card at the top of the dialogue and can be selected by clicking on the appropriate tab. in the menu ribbon, to open the providing data dialogue of the subsidiary administration.

As soon as the subsidiary administration has been started, the providing data dialogue, in which you can assemble the data packets for dispatch, appears.

The data is always provided according the same pattern:

  • Selection of the required register System options, Master data, Catalogues, Program updates or Example plans (only visible with a licence for module 2M).
  • Selection of the required data of the selected register.
  • Selection of the addressees, to which the selected data should be dispatched.
  • Providing the selected data for dispatch.
We would advise you to connect the maintenance installation to CARAT web before providing the data for dispatch to you addressees, to insure that all updates have been downloaded Downloading is a term used in electronic data processing. To download means to acquire data from another location (e.g. network PC or Internet) and transfer this data to your own computer..