Start Parameter
Special start parameter for CARAT are available for the use of the subsidiary administration or the maintenance. With the start parameters you can automate these processes in connection with a planned task In the Microsoft Windows operating system a task is a process (e.g. a program), that is executed at the lowest system level (kernel). A task can be used to start supporting programs, in the background, without further input from the user. (Windows task planning).
Parameter: | Description: |
/SE |
The parameter /SE is available so that also the data migration in the subsidiaries can be executed automatically. Through this parameter, all per subsidiary administration transferred data packets can be read in without further input of an user. CARAT will be automatically closed as soon as the procedure for the transfer of the data is finished. The program fetch of CARAT with this parameter looks as follows:
The parameter /UPDATE starts exclusively the Update of CARAT. The program fetch of CARAT with this parameter looks as follows:
/DW |
A data maintenance can be initiated with the parameter /DW. In the process all catalogue and system data are being purged. Exception: The graphic index will not be rebuild. Thus, this maintenance can be executed fairly quickly and therefore also be initiated daily, for example after reading in new data. The program fetch of CARAT with this parameter looks as follows:
/DW+ |
The parameter /DW+ also starts the data maintenance. However, in this case also the graphic index is build up new, whereby errors in the graphic data The graphic data includes all colours and material illustrations (textures) that are needed to represent the surfaces, as well as specially made 3D articles. comparison can be resolved. However, the maintenance including graphic index takes considerably more time. We would therefore recommend to select this maintenance per task only once a week, for example Sunday's. The program fetch of CARAT with this parameter looks as follows:
Parameter: | Description: |
The additional Addition (in Latin: addere) is one of four basic operations in arithmetic. In primary school and in common language it is the expression used for the adding of two or more numbers. parameter /Benutzer=[Benutzername] can only be attached to the parameter /CFV or /ECOM, this to be able to either reconstruct which user has triggered the automatic task or to control, with relevant authorisation's, which user may execute the task. For this, you should first create an additional user in the user administration of CARAT (for example PARA). The program fetch of CARAT with this additional parameter could then look as follows:
If the in CARAT created user with the same name also comes with a password, the parameter /PASSWORT= must be used complementary to the parameter /BENUTZER=. The parameter /PASSWORT= can be omitted if no password has been stored for the user. The program fetch of CARAT with this additional parameter could then look as follows:
The computer can be automatically shut down after the successful execution of a task with the additional parameter /DOWN, as far as no server A server is a central computer in a designated network structure, from which the resources of the central computer can be accessed by multiple workstations (clients). is involved. This parameter can be used in combination with all other parameters. The program fetch of CARAT with this additional parameter could then look as follows: