Installation symbols

You have the possibility to modify the available standard installation symbols or create additional Addition (in Latin: addere) is one of four basic operations in arithmetic. In primary school and in common language it is the expression used for the adding of two or more numbers. entries with the existing symbols by using the page Installation symbols. The installation symbols are then available for the creation of installation plans. Among other you can change the standard plan height, the token and the colour of the symbol for the installation plan, the name of the legend as well as the graphic for the perspective. See also: The Installation Plan

You can create a new entry, edit an existing entry, copy or delete own created entries by using the icon bar. A dialog will open if you use the functions New, Edit and Copy, via this dialogue Dialogue, dialogue windows or dialogue fields are special windows in software applications. Dialogue windows are displayed by application programs in different situations to request input or confirmation from the user. you can adapt the installation symbols to your needs.

The self created variants are available in the area user defined installation symbols as soon as you subsequently access the installation plan. For better distinction will the token be displayed besides the symbol in the selection dialogue, as you can recognise from the illustration. Furthermore, you can recognise the quick help (tool tip) which appears automatically as soon as the mouse pointer pauses shortly on one of the buttons.

If you print an installation plan, you can additionally print the legend, so that then besides the token of the respective installation symbol also the more detailed description is displayed. Thus can the individual installation symbols be better classified, especially when you abstain from the reproduction of the furniture, for example for a better readability.