The Installation Plan

A clear and reliable installation plan simplifies the cooperation with your workmen who have to prepare for the installations of a new build-in kitchen in advance, and you can profile yourself towards your customer with an extra service.

That is why CARAT has a separate working layer Because the ranges of a design often overlap in the floor plan (e.g. plinth, worktop, carcase etc.) these article groups are classified into working layers., via which you can prepare relevant plans for electro and sanitary installations. The working layer Installation plan offers you the possibility to create installation plans for walls as well as the floors or also for the ceiling.

Installation plan - Front

Installation plan - Front

Installation plan - Ceiling

This is how you create an installation plan

To create an installation plan, first open the necessary view and switch then to the working layer installation plan. Customise the size of the view according your needs and move the dialogue Installation plan to a location where the dialogue bothers you the least. It can be useful to create an user defined view for this recurring procedure, thus being able to quickly position the views desired and to get the necessary space for the extra dialogue. See also: The User defined Views

In case the installation symbols and the appropriate dimensioning of the installation plan is not displayed as required, you should check the settings for the view, because you can arrange different settings for each of these views. See also: The View Options

To quick and simple apply an installation symbol in a drawing it is useful to know the relevant position, meaning the distance to a wall corner and the distance to the floor. However, you can position an installation symbol freely with the mouse at any time or you can abide by reference dimensions when positioning in the height, or move an installation symbol afterwards to a different position.