The Condition Pages

The condition pages On a conditions page is the calculation data for all calculation groups and condition schemes entered. The condition page "standard" should always be used for the base calculation. You can however, create more condition pages in order to implement special requirements. are displayed in the upper area of the Calculation group In a calculation group are arranged any quantity of items that have an item specific similarity. So typically all items, e.g. furniture parts, but also worktops, sinks, or electrical appliances, are consolidated into appropriate named calculation groups. index. At least one condition page per catalogue version Due to modifications to a yearly catalogue more than one following variation of a catalogue can be given. This is called catalogue version. must be defined as standard. You can recognise the standard condition page by the star symbol. Always only one condition sheet can be defined as standard. The condition page Standard is automatically generated when a catalogue is in read in in CARAT for the first time. You can manage and control further condition data using further condition pages, that are needed for example for time limited promotions, special model promotions or in connection with subsidiary administration for an individual subsidiary. CARAT uses only activated condition pages for the price calculation. Underneath the condition pages you will find the condition scheme, in which the calculation data for the marked condition page are shown and can be edited.

The different variants of condition pages