Calculation Basics

For a deeper understanding of the calculations made in CARAT, it is important you know how the pricing in CARAT is performed Performance, in the context of computing and software, is a term meaning the effectiveness at usage of resources and the quality of output from programs. and how the individual functions intertwine. In this chapter, we would like to describe to you the fundamental connections, so that you always keep an overview despite the extensive possibilities. The following illustration should help you to understand the basic connection between article, calculation group In a calculation group are arranged any quantity of items that have an item specific similarity. So typically all items, e.g. furniture parts, but also worktops, sinks, or electrical appliances, are consolidated into appropriate named calculation groups., condition scheme and condition page On a conditions page is the calculation data for all calculation groups and condition schemes entered. The condition page "standard" should always be used for the base calculation. You can however, create more condition pages in order to implement special requirements.:

The calculation is always carried out via a condition page. Further more, the calculation of an article moves from the assigned calculation group, via the various condition schemes (up to four) to the condition pages (any number). Depending on how many calculation groups, condition schemes or condition pages are used, the possibilities for the price calculation multiply Multiplication (from Latin: multiplicare = multiply, also know as times) is one of four basic operations in arithmetic. enormously.

However, for a better and easier understanding, it is sufficient to take a look at the calculation of only one article from a condition group on a condition scheme of a condition page. Therefor, we would first like to explain the structure of a condition page, and then describe the elements, that you will encounter again and again when calculating a catalogue.

The Pricing in CARAT

The calculation settings for one group of articles is always conducted via a calculation group. Thus, the calculation group is the smallest unit for calculating a catalogue. If necessary, each calculation group can be calculated individually. The procedure for filling out the individual fields of a calculation group is always the same.