The Page Margins and Legal Company Details
Via the Margins/Address index, you specify the page margins, in order to define the printable range for the respective form. In addition Addition (in Latin: addere) is one of four basic operations in arithmetic. In primary school and in common language it is the expression used for the adding of two or more numbers., you can also specify on this index in which area the addressees address, the legal company details and the reference line will be printed.
In case you opened this dialogue Dialogue, dialogue windows or dialogue fields are special windows in software applications. Dialogue windows are displayed by application programs in different situations to request input or confirmation from the user. from the print preview of a planning, two additional buttons In dialogue windows you always find one or more buttons that can be activated by clicking on them. Typical functions for buttons are e.g. OK, Cancel, Apply. Buttons are always activated by a single click with the left mouse button. are at your disposal in the lower edge of the dialogue:
In the upper area of the Margins/Address index you will find the settings for the page margins. The page margin settings are needed in order to specify the area in which the actual text of the form is printed. The values always refer to the actual page edge. You have of course also the possibility in CARAT to set own page margins for the continuing pages. Deviant page margins for the continuing pages can be necessary if, for example, you also want to use a company logo on the other pages, whose size however differs from the company logo used on the first page.
Due to their construction and method of operation, most printers can not print on the entire surface of a print medium, for example a sheet of paper. The non-printable area differs in size, depending on the printer type. You should therefore use the page margin settings that give the maximum printable area, in order to ensure that the desired contents can be printed on every printer.
We would like to explain the page margin setting options in more detail, based on the DIN A4 paper format The format or formatting (Latin, forma) is designated in word processing as the design of the text document. In this case meaning the selection of character fonts and character style such as bold or italics..
A distance of 25 mm can be set as left paper margin, based on the DIN norm 5008 for business letters.
The 20 mm, already preset by CARAT, is usually sufficient for the right page margin.
We advise you to use an upper page margin of minimal 10 mm, in order to avoid that the text of the form begins at the top of the page, in the non-printable area.
20 mm has proven sensible as lower page margin. Later, you can also display a footer in this area, in order to specify your bank account information, for example.
In the Address area, you can specify the position of the recipients address, within the printable area of the first page. Based on the DIN-Norm 5008 for business letters, we advise you to comply with a distance of 25 mm from the left page edge and 50 mm from the upper page edge, in order to be able to correctly display the address in a window Programs and files are shown in so called windows in the operating system of the same name. In CARAT each view (e.g. floor plan, article input, front view, perspective etc.) opens its own window. Multiple windows can be shown simultaneously for processing. If changes are made in one of these windows, this has an automatic effect on all other windows. envelope, for example.
- If necessary, you can specify whether the Title (Mr., Mrs. ...) should be printed on its own line above or directly in front of the name, by using the Print title separately option.
- How to set the left and upper margins is described in the previous Margins paragraph. If you have already set a left side margin of 25 mm, this is sufficient for the sideways distance of the address. Thus, only 0 mm has to be entered in the field for the distance to left margin.
- If you have entered an upper margin of 10 mm, enter 40 mm for the distance of the address to the upper margin, this to get the necessary distance of 50 mm for the address from the upper page edge.
Based on DIN 5008, you can observe a height of 40 mm and a width of 85 mm, so that the complete address fits optimally in the window area of a window envelope.
The following window envelope formats can be used with this print layout.
Format | Size | Description |
SV |
220 x 110 mm |
DIN A4 folded in three |
C5 |
162 x 229 mm |
DIN A4 folded in half |
C4 |
229 x 324 mm |
DIN A4 |
You can see the specification of the legal company details on the User data page in the system options. The address part of the legal company details is in CARAT already stored by your licence information and can only be edited by the CARAT sales department. You can enter contact data as well as other additional information, that you may want to print under your company details, via the relevant input fields on that page. See also: User Data
- Using the Legal company details area, you can position your company address within the printable area of the first page. You specify the position by using the input fields for the distance to the top and left margin. By using the additional options, you can select if your company address, your contact information or also your additional information should be printed.
Based on norm DIN 5008, an area of 40 mm height results via the address for the legal company details. You should enter a distance from the left margin that is bigger than 85 mm for your legal company details, so that these details, additional information inclusive, do not overlap with the address area.
The following illustration shows an example of how legal company details, that have additional information added Addition (in Latin: addere) is one of four basic operations in arithmetic. In primary school and in common language it is the expression used for the adding of two or more numbers., can be used in a form. The placement of the legal company details is done with the distances: page margin: from top 10 mm, from left 25 mm, legal company details: from top margin 0 mm, from left margin 135 mm.
As finals option on this index you can specify the position of the reference line. In the reference line can the customer-, order- or invoice number, as well as the print date be stated, for example. Also the distances in this area relate again to the already pre-set margins.
Based on DIN 5008, we would advice you to place the reference line in such a way that it maintains a distance of 90 mm from the upper page edge. In our example, is a distance of 80 mm for the reference line sufficient. If you do not want the reference line to extend across over the full printable text-range, you have the possibility to additionally set a distance to the left as well as the right margin. This can be useful is you want to show a graphic (logo) above or under your legal company details, or if several lines of additional information should be printed under your legal company details. See also: Stationary, Logo und Footer
As you can see from the following illustration, you obtain a clean, readable layout with these settings.