The Catalogue Data

Along with the multi-faceted graphical possibilities, CARAT offers you of course also numerous commercial functions that support you during the entire sales process. With this documentation, we would like to demonstrate the extensive possibilities concealed within the catalogue data, and how you can, through an intelligent utilization of the catalogue data, also decisively control the success of your business.

The lynchpin of the administration of your catalogue data is the Catalogue Data dialogue Dialogue, dialogue windows or dialogue fields are special windows in software applications. Dialogue windows are displayed by application programs in different situations to request input or confirmation from the user.. Via this dialogue you have access to all the important functions needed for the maintenance of your catalogue data. Naturally, a primary part of this is the calculation of your catalogue versions Due to modifications to a yearly catalogue more than one following variation of a catalogue can be given. This is called catalogue version.. Beyond that, further functions are available to you, for processing your catalogue versions, importing from the core ranges, and also maintaining your block data.

All in CARAT installed catalogue versions, the so-called catalogue master data Head data in CARAT is the generic term for all details that are needed for the design and ordering of a kitchen. This is for example, the selected program or variations in carcase versions, or worktop edge., are listed in the main area of the Catalogue data dialogue. For a better overview are the single catalogue versions thereby sorted automatically per supplier. Above the table of the catalogue data is a icon bar with editing functions, that you can use to create your own new catalogues, or can edit, copy or delete existing catalogues. Underneath the table are a few buttons In dialogue windows you always find one or more buttons that can be activated by clicking on them. Typical functions for buttons are e.g. OK, Cancel, Apply. Buttons are always activated by a single click with the left mouse button. with which additional Addition (in Latin: addere) is one of four basic operations in arithmetic. In primary school and in common language it is the expression used for the adding of two or more numbers. functions in the catalogue data maintenance environment can be called up.