Reading in Catalogue Data

In order to create a design with CARAT you need the catalogue data, also called master data Head data in CARAT is the generic term for all details that are needed for the design and ordering of a kitchen. This is for example, the selected program or variations in carcase versions, or worktop edge., of your supplier. Normally you will obtain all catalogue data needed in CARAT via a subscription of CARAT. With a first installation are the data possibly available on a data-DVD A DVD is a digital data storage medium that resembles a CD but has a much higher storage capacity and is more varied utilisable.. However, usually are the current catalogue data made available for download Downloading is a term used in electronic data processing. To download means to acquire data from another location (e.g. network PC or Internet) and transfer this data to your own computer. online via CARAT web. See also: CARAT web

After you have downloaded the new catalogue data via CARAT web or have inserted a data-DVD, you can save the catalogue data in CARAT by using the Read in catalogue data function. The procedure runs automatically, so you do not have to worry about storing the catalogue data in the right place.