The Index card: Calculation groups

The Calculation groups In a calculation group are arranged any quantity of items that have an item specific similarity. So typically all items, e.g. furniture parts, but also worktops, sinks, or electrical appliances, are consolidated into appropriate named calculation groups. index card Some dialogue windows are too voluminous, therefore the functions are separated into indexed groups. The subgroup names typically appear on the tab of the index card at the top of the dialogue and can be selected by clicking on the appropriate tab. is surely the most important index for the calculation of your catalogues. On this index card you enter among other things your condition and surcharge values, with which you can calculate the PP The PP (purchase price) in CARAT, refers to the price less conditions but before designated cash discounts and bonus. and SP The SP (selling price) in CARAT is a result of multiplying the CARAT list price by the entered net surcharge factor, plus VAT. prices of your articles. On this index you have comprehensive options The word option (from Latin: optio = free will) used in computing means a choice. In CARAT it is normally used with a list box. for calculating, controlling and creating your purchase and selling prices, based on most diverse requirements that nowadays are placed on the calculation of a catalogue.

In the upper third of the index card you will find the area with the listing of the condition pages On a conditions page is the calculation data for all calculation groups and condition schemes entered. The condition page "standard" should always be used for the base calculation. You can however, create more condition pages in order to implement special requirements.. See also: The Condition Pages

The central area is in use for both index card for the condition schemes 1 and 2. This is the area where the main calculation settings are done. Underneath the table is the price info. From the price info you can find out which base price is entered in the data by the supplier. In the bottom part of the index card you will find some additional Addition (in Latin: addere) is one of four basic operations in arithmetic. In primary school and in common language it is the expression used for the adding of two or more numbers. buttons In dialogue windows you always find one or more buttons that can be activated by clicking on them. Typical functions for buttons are e.g. OK, Cancel, Apply. Buttons are always activated by a single click with the left mouse button., with which you can call up further useful functions.