Article Settings

On the index Article are several options The word option (from Latin: optio = free will) used in computing means a choice. In CARAT it is normally used with a list box. available to considerably influence the appearance of the listing of the articles on a form. Through these settings, you can decide if the article list turns out marginal, so that a quotation only consist of the position number and the first line of the article text. In contrast to this you can also create a very detailed article parts list, to indicate all necessary information for for example a quotation. Many variations are possible between these both extremes, so that you are capable, with the settings on this index card Some dialogue windows are too voluminous, therefore the functions are separated into indexed groups. The subgroup names typically appear on the tab of the index card at the top of the dialogue and can be selected by clicking on the appropriate tab., to realise the requirements your demands for the forms used by you. See also: The Layout-overview

* = Print options marked as such are only offered for individual forms, because the general use for all forms would not be meaningful.